Course Philosophy
At Pleasant Run and Sarah Shank we strive day in and day out for CONSISTENCY. It can be a difficult thing to achieve on a golf course, when you are dependent on Mother Nature. She likes to throw you a few curve balls now and then, but with proper planning and flexibility you can get pretty close most of the time. We want our customers to know what they’re going to get when they come out to the course, and what they can expect.
For us it begins and ends with our putting surfaces. Greens are where an ok round becomes a good one, and a good one becomes great. It seems everyone wants “fast” greens anymore, and “fast” is certainly achievable, but many times it comes at the cost of plant health. The challenge lies in finding a balance of the two. On our greens we try to maintain a healthy stand of turf, while also achieving fast and consistent ball roll. This is done mainly through our greens rolling program. One of my biggest mentors in the business, who I came up working for, was a huge proponent of rolling. He was a pioneer in the industry for making greens rolling a standard and necessary part of putting green maintenance. Rolling allows you to be less aggressive with your mowing program, while still allowing you to achieve that smooth and true surface that make a great green.
Lastly, at the end of the day, we hope we can provide terrific value to our customers. We hope they know that they can come out to either course and have great conditions to play on at a fraction of the cost of some of the other high end daily fee clubs. Focusing on the details, day in and day out, adds up to great conditions and a great experience for our golfers, and it is something we endeavor to achieve every day through our maintenance program.
Tim Kahle
Golf Course Superintendent